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* 烤美國牛板腱配阿根廷青醬 * * Roasted Top Blade Muscle with Chimichurri Sauce *
$82.00* 墨西哥烤雞配希臘乳酪醬 * * Grill Chicken Breast with Greek Yogurt *
$70.00* 韓式烤牛肉飯配辣烤肉醬 - 即叫即炒 * * Korea BBQ Beef & Rice with BBQ Spicy Sauce *
$82.00* 鹽燒美國豚肉配日式醬油 * * Grill Pork with Japanese Soy Sauce *
$70.00* 慢煮鮮鴨胸配意式香醋醬 * * Slow-cook Duck Breast with Balsamic Vinaigrette *
$70.00* 煙燻三文魚配油醋汁 * * Smoked Salmon with Vinaigrette *
$82.00* 自選能量碗 * * Custom Warm Protein Bowl *
$72.00* 泰式酸辣無骨雞脾配泰式酸辣汁 * * Thai Spicy & Sour Boneless Chicken Thighs w/ Thai Style Hot & Sour Sauce *
$78.00* 牛油果口水雞 * * Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce & Avocado *
$72.00* 越式香茅豚肉配越式烤肉汁 * * Lemongrass Pork with Nuoc Cham *
* 自選能量碗 * * Warm Protein Bowls *
* 自選能量碗 * * Custom Warm Protein Bowl *
自選一款主菜和五款配料**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Choose One Main Dish + Five Toppings + One Carbohydrate**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$72.00* 全素自選能量碗 * * Custom Vegetarian Bowls *
自選6款配料 + 一款主食**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Choose 6 Toppings + One Carbohydrate**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$60.00
* 特色招牌能量碗 * * Signature Warm Protein Bowl *
* 香茅烤雞飯配青檸椰醬 * * Grilled Chicken Rice with Lime Coconut Sauce *
運用泰式香料醃制的雞胸,搭配由多種香料煮成的青檸椰醬,加上風味配菜,再另配椰漿混和米飯,讓享用時增添口味變化。 材料: 烤慢煮雞胸,紅菜頭漬白蘿白,泰式酸辣漬茄子,青檸椰醬,椰漿醬 **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Thai spices are mixed with lime coconut sauce made from a variety of spices, plus flavorful side dishes, and coconut milk is mixed with rice to add flavor variations.Chicken breast, Thai Style Pickled Hot&Sour Eggplant, Pickle**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the seaso$65.00* 韓式烤牛肉飯配辣烤肉醬 - 即叫即炒 * * Korea BBQ Beef & Rice with BBQ Spicy Sauce *
即叫即炒!濃香的美國牛肉,加入以蘋果煮制成的燒肉汁,伴入泡菜、秘制辣烤肉醬,風味十足。 材料: 美國牛肉,洋蔥,泡菜,糖心蛋,辣烤肉醬 **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Served with kimchi, barbecue sauce and apple gravy, American beef is fried on order. Beef, Onion, Kimchi, Boiled Egg$82.00* 日式菠蘿豚肉飯配照燒汁 - 即叫即炒 * * Pineapple Pork & Rice with Teriyaki Sauce *
即叫即炒!挑選較低熱量和脂肪的豬梅肉,用上自家熬煮的照燒汁,最後以烤菠蘿的微酸感提升風味層次。材料: 烤菠蘿,豬梅肉,尖椒,洋蔥,照燒汁**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Select low-calorie, low-fat pork belly, use homemade teriyaki sauce, and finish the dish with grilled pineapple for a slightly sour taste.**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$65.00* 牛油果口水雞 * * Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce & Avocado *
全新風味配搭,以橄欖油取代花椒油,牛油果配上辣油,食得過癮。另選用無皮雞胸,食得健康,風味依舊! 牛油果,青瓜,慢煮雞胸,自家制花椒橄欖油 **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Choose skinless chicken breast and use olive oil instead of pepper oil. Eat healthy and the taste will remain the same.Avocado, cucumber, slow-cooked chicken breast**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary b$72.00
* 瘦身增肌能量碗 * * Slimming and Muscle Building Energy Bowl *
* 烤美國牛板腱配阿根廷青醬 * * Roasted Top Blade Muscle with Chimichurri Sauce *
精選美國牛板腱,高溫快煎,迫出濃香牛肉味,淋上秘制醬汁,造就異國風味。 材料:美國牛板腱,西蘭花,車厘茄,烤南瓜,紅菜頭,雞脾菇 熱量:110kcal,碳水:6g,蛋白質:30g,脂肪:9g,纖維:3g **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Top Blade Muscle, Broccoli, Cherry Tomato, Roasted Squash, Beetroot, King Oyster MushroomCal:110kcal,Carbs:6g,Protein:30g,Fat:9g,Fibre:3g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$82.00* 墨西哥烤雞配希臘乳酪醬 * * Grill Chicken Breast with Greek Yogurt *
雞胸慢煮後快烤,搭配酸甜乳酪醬,碰撞不同的墨西哥異國風情。 慢煮雞胸,牛油果,新鮮菠蘿,三色椒,漬洋蔥,粟米 熱量:342kcal,碳水:15g,蛋白質:34g,脂肪:16g,纖維:8g **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Slow-Cook Chicken Breast, Avocado, Fresh Pineapple, Bellpepper, Pickled Onions, CornCal:342kcal,Carbs:15g,Protein:34g,Fat:16g,Fibre:8g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$70.00* 鹽燒美國豚肉配日式醬油 * * Grill Pork with Japanese Soy Sauce *
選用美國豬梅肉,肉味濃郁且脂肪含量低,配搭日式配料,給您日式東洋風味。 材料:美國豬梅肉,糖心蛋,雞脾菇,甜菜頭醋漬白蘿蔔,青瓜,法式炒甘筍 熱量:470kcal,碳水:9g,蛋白質:18g,脂肪:23g,纖維:3g **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Pork Collar Butt, Soft Boiled Egg, King Oyster Mushroom, Beetroot Pickled Radish, Cucumber, Vichy CarrotCal:470kcal,Carbs:9g,Protein:18g,Fat:23g,Fibre:3g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$70.00* 泰式酸辣無骨雞脾配泰式酸辣汁 * * Thai Spicy & Sour Boneless Chicken Thighs w/ Thai Style Hot & Sour Sauce *
無骨雞脾,香辣烤椰菜花,車厘茄,青瓜,法式炒甘筍,泰式酸辣漬茄子**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Boness chicken thigh, Roasted chili Cauliflower, Hot&Sour Pickled eggplant, Cherry Tomato, Cucumber, Vicky Carrot**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$78.00* 五色素配油醋汁 * * Vegetarian Bowl with Vinaigrette *
嚴選時蔬,給您豐富纖維和營養,助您保持腸道健康和減重,讓您享受美食又持續改善健康。 材料:牛油果,意式醋漬蕃茄,粟米,毛豆仁,雞脾菇,烤南瓜 熱量:195kcal,碳水:15g,蛋白質:6g,脂肪:13g,纖維:10g **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Avocado, Pickled Tomatoes, Corn, Edamame Kernel, King Oyster Mushroom, Roasted SquashCal:195kcal,Carbs:15g,Protein:6g,Fat:13g,Fibre:10g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$60.00* 慢煮鮮鴨胸配意式香醋醬 * * Slow-cook Duck Breast with Balsamic Vinaigrette *
新鮮鴨胸鮮嫩多汁,配合多種配料帶出甘甜滋味,讓您舌尖置身於法國小鎮慢煮鴨胸,新鮮菠蘿,粟米,意式醋漬蕃茄,西蘭花,烤南瓜熱量:258kcal,碳水:18g,蛋白質:34g,脂肪:4g,纖維:4g**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Duck Breast, Fresh Pineapple, Corn, Pickled Tomatoes, Broccoli, Roasted SquashCal:258kcal,Carbs:18g,Protein:34g,Fat:4g,Fibre:4g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$70.00* 越式香茅豚肉配越式烤肉汁 * * Lemongrass Pork with Nuoc Cham *
豚肉,紅菜頭醋漬白蘿白,香辣烤椰菜花,煙燻烤茄子,法式炒甘筍,雞脾菇 **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Pork, Pickled Radish, Roasted chili Cauliflower, Roasted Smoked eggplant, Vichy Carrot, King Oyster Mushroom**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$78.00* 煙燻三文魚配油醋汁 * * Smoked Salmon with Vinaigrette *
風味十足的三文魚肉帶幽幽木香,入口即溶;另嚴選生酮食材,讓您盡情享受美食又保持美態身材。 材料:煙三文魚,牛油果,青瓜粒,意式醋漬蕃茄,毛豆仁,糖心蛋,法式炒甘筍 熱量:270kcal,碳水:13g,蛋白質:17g,脂肪:17g,纖維:9g **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Smoked Salmon, Avocado, Cucumber, Pickled Tomatoes, Edamame Beans, Soft Boil Egg, Vichy CarrotsCal:270kcal,Carbs:13g,Protein:17g,Fat:17g,Fibre:9g**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$82.00* 麻椒鹽水鴨胸配香蒜陳醋汁 * * Sichuan Pepper Salted Duck Breast w/ Chinese Style Garlic Vinaigrette *
鴨胸,陳醋漬雲耳,煙燻烤茄子,沙角,香辣烤椰菜花,雞脾菇**圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Duck Breast, Pickled Cloud Ear Fungus, Roasted Smoked Eggplant, Yam Bean, Roasted Spicy Cauliflower, King Oyster Mushroom**Images are for reference, ingredients may vary based on the season.$78.00* 蒜香蝦仁配自家制牛肉辣醬 * * Garlic Shrimp with Homemade Spicy Beef Sauce *
蝦仁,粟米,紅菜頭,意式醋漬蕃茄,法式炒甘筍,香辣烤椰菜花 **圖片只供參考,配料可能會按季節轉變 Shrimp, Corn, Beetroot, Pickled Tomatoes, Vichy Carrots, Roasted Spicy Cauliflower**Images are for reference, ingredients may va$90.00
* 瘦身減肚湯 * * Slimming Belly Soup *
* 法式椰菜花湯 * * French Cauliflower Soup *
椰菜花含有豐富維他命和纖維素而熱量很低,纖維促進飽腹感,有助減少額外食慾,因此非常適合每天飲用。材料:椰菜花,白洋蔥$22.00* 煙肉甘荀蕃茄湯 * * Bacon, Sweet Potato and Tomato Soup *
蕃茄和甘筍含豐富抗氧化物,是能養顏護膚的優質食材。加上各種香料,讓這碗瘦身湯充滿意大利的浪漫風味。 材料:甘筍,蕃茄,煙肉,洋蔥,香葉,百里香$24.00
* 薯條 * * Fries *
* 三重芝士薯條 * * Triple Cheese Fries *
香脆薯條,車打芝士,巴馬臣芝士,藍芝士醬。$48.00* 原味薯條 * * French Fries *
香脆薯條,岩鹽。$34.00* 黑松露薯條 * * Black Truffle Fries *
香脆薯條,黑松露,自家制黑松露醬。$50.00* 海苔肉鬆薯條 * * Seaweed Floss Fries *
* 惹味小食 * * Tasty Snacks *
* 椒鹽炸燒賣 (8粒) * * Fried Siumai with Salt and Pepper (8 Pieces) *
$18.00* 日式蜜煉紫薯仔 (8粒) * * Honey Glazed Purple Sweet Potato (8 Pieces) *
$22.00* 炸洋蔥圈 (10件) * * Fried Onion Rings (10 Pieces) *